The Clubs at Charles River Park is located at the end of Storrow Drive and is adjacent to 8 Whittier Place, just past the famous “If You Lived Here You’d Be Home Now” signs.
We are easily accessible by public transportation, walking or driving from multiple areas in and around the city of Boston.
The Clubs at Charles River Park
10 Whittier Place Boston MA 02114
“If you worked out here, you’d be fit by now!”
By Train
From the Green line take the T to the Science Park stop. We are the two-story gray and white building directly across Leverett Circle on the corner of Storrow Drive. To reach the entrance to the club, cross Leverett Circle, away from the Museum of Science towards the Whittier Place high rises. Cut through the Whittier parking lot and we are adjacent to 8 Whittier Pl. The main entrance to the gym is downstairs.
From the Red line take the train to the Charles St./MGH stop. Exit the station toward MGH, Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary and Liberty Hotel. Walk along access road adjacent to Storrow Dr., past Liberty Hotel, MEEI, and MGH on your right. After you cross over Blossom St. look for the sign, “If you lived here, you’d be home now”. We are the two story gray and white building directly to the right of that sign. Take a right on to the concrete path before the sign, take your first left on the path and our entrance is around the corner. The main entrance to the gym is downstairs.
From the Orange Line take the train to North Station. Once out of the station, walk down Causeway Street. Pass the TD North Garden and the O’Neil Federal Building, which will be on your right. Take a right immediately after the federal building, this is Lomasney Way. Cross Lomasney Way toward the Parking garage to the left. Continue walking past the garage and on to Martha Road. You will pass the Amy Lowell House on your left. Next you will pass 6 Whittier Place, the brown and white high rise building on your left, walk across the parking lot. Our building is the two story gray and white building located at 10 Whittier Place, adjacent to 8 Whittier Pl. The main entrance to the gym is downstairs.
From the Commuter Rail take the train to North Station. Once out of the station, walk down Causeway Street. Pass the TD North Garden and the O’Neil Federal Building, which will be on your right. Take a right immediately after the federal building, this is Lomasney Way. Cross Lomasney Way toward the Public Parking garage to the left. Continue walking past the garage and on to Martha Road. You will pass the Amy Lowell House on your left. Next you will pass 6 Whittier Place, the brown and white high rise building on your left, walk across the parking lot. Our building is the two story gray and white building located at 10 Whittier Place, adjacent to 8 Whittier Pl. The main entrance to the gym is downstairs.
From North of Boston take 93 South to Exit 26A, Leverett Circle. At the end of the off ramp, keep right toward North Station and TD Banknorth Garden. Follow right until road ends at lights (where there is a left turn only), facing the Lomasney Way Parking garage. You may park here, or for the Charles River Plaza garage, continue straight on Lomasney Way. At the next set of lights take right on to Staniford St. follow to the end. Take a right on to Cambridge St (toward Storrow Drive). After second set of lights (Fire Station on left and CRP Plaza on right) take right into parking garage.
From West of Boston follow Storrow Drive East. Take Cambridge Street exit (MGH). Look for Wyndham Hotel on left. Immediately past the hotel you can enter the Charles River Park Plaza garage on left.
From South of Boston take 93 North to exit 26 – Storrow Drive/North Station. Stay to the left as you exit the tunnel coming toward North Station/Leverett Circle. Follow the signs for North Station and take a left at the light. You will come to another light at which is the intersection of O’Brien Highway (Storrow drive should be straight ahead). Take a left and get in the right lane. Go straight through light keeping right toward Martha Road/ TD Banknorth Garden. You will pass the club on your right. You may park here, or for the Charles River Plaza garage, go straight through a set of lights, pass the TD Banknorth Garden on your far left. At the next set of lights take right on to Staniford St. and follow to the end (past Little Peach and Domino’s on your right). Take a right on to Cambridge St. (toward Storrow Drive). After second set of lights (Fire Station on left and CRP Plaza on right) take right into parking garage.
From the East or North End follow Causeway St. (TD Banknorth Garden on your right). Follow past the TD Banknorth Garden and stay straight and to the left at first set of lights. Look for Staniford St. at second set of lights (straight ahead). Follow Staniford St. (past Little Peach and Domino’s Pizza on your right) to the end. Take right on to Cambridge St. at the end of Staniford St. (toward Storrow Drive). After second set of lights (Fire Station on left and CRP Plaza on right) take right into parking garage.
PARKING ADVISORY: Whittier Parking Lot Temporarily Closed
The Whittier Parking Lot will be temporarily unavailable indefinitely beginning March 5, 2024, due to renovations. If you’re visiting the club, please utilize the Charles River Plaza Parking Garage- 209 Cambridge Street (validated rates provided below).
Whittier Place Parking Lot- 8 Whittier Place Validated parking available Monday-Friday, 3:30pm-9:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-9:30pm for all Club members. Validated rate = $7 for 1-3 hours, $14 for over 3 hours. You may validate your ticket at the front desk.
Charles River Plaza Parking Garage- 209 Cambridge Street below the Wyndham Hotel. Validated parking weekdays after 4pm and all day Saturday/Sunday for Club members.
BEFORE 4pm Monday through Friday, there is no discount; rates are as follows:
Less than 30 minutes = $7
1/2 to 1 hour = $10
1 hour to 2 hour = $17
2 hour to 3 hour = $22
3 hour to 4 hour = $28
4 hour to 5 hour = $36
5 hour to 6 hour = $38
6 hour + = $40
AFTER 4pm on the weekdays and all day on Saturday and Sunday the rate is $5 any time. Parking tickets must have CCRP’s validation stamp, which can be attained at the front desk of the health club.
From The Charles River Plaza Garage
Exit the garage through the back left corner exit. This will be Blossom St., take a right (walk away from Wyndham hotel). Follow Blossom St. straight past Shriner’s Hospital and then Hawthorne Place on your right. Follow Blossom St. around the bend and look for the red J. Pace & Sons sign at 75 Blossom Court. Take that right on to Blossom Court and follow that past J.Pace & Sons (the white building in front of you) toward 8 Whittier Place (the solid brown high rise building slightly off to the left). After passing J. Pace & Sons, walk to the left behind 8 Whittier Place and look for a brick path on the right that will lead to our two story gray and white building. The main entrance to the club is downstairs.
From Beacon Hill
Walk down the hill toward Cambridge St. and look for the Wyndham Hotel on the corner of Cambridge St. and Blossom St. Follow Blossom St. straight (you will pass the entrance to the Holiday Inn on your right). About 50 yards from the Holiday Inn you will pass Shriners Hospital and then Hawthorne Place on your right. Follow Blossom St. around the bend and look for the red J. Pace & Sons sign at 75 Blossom Court. Take that right on to Blossom Court and follow that past J. Pace & Sons (the white building in front of you) toward 8 Whittier Place (the solid brown high rise building slightly off to the left). After passing J.Pace & Sons, walk to the left behind 8 Whittier Place and look for a brick path on the right that will lead to our two story gray & white building. The main entrance to the club is downstairs.
From TD Banknorth Garden/North End
Walk down Causeway St. past the TD Banknorth Garden (TD Banknorth Garden will be on your right) and the O’Neil Federal Building. Take a right immediately after the federal building, this is Lomasney Way. Cross Lomasney Way toward the Public Parking garage to the left. Continue walking past the garage and on to Martha Road. As you pass the garage the Museum of Science will be in the distance. Walk toward the museum. After passing 6 Whittier Place, the brown and white high rise building on your left, bear to the left and walk diagonally through the parking lot. Our building is the two-story gray and white building located at 10 Whittier Place, which is across the Whittier parking lot. The main entrance is downstairs.
From Cambridge/Museum of Science
Walk past the museum towards Storrow Drive. Walk across Storrow Drive. You will see a two-story gray and white building, this is our club. Look for 8 Whittier Place, a solid brown high rise building, our entrance is to the right of that building, at 10 Whittier Place. The main entrance to the club is downstairs.
From Charles Street
Follow Storrow Drive past MGH. After passing Emerson Place (white and blue high rise), look for our two-story gray and white building. Take concrete path on right to brick walkway. Take left on brick walk way to our entrance; the main entrance to the club is downstairs.